If you're viewing this page, then something has gone wrong with your Tidepool experience, and for that, we apologize. The best way to help us diagnose and eventually fix whatever issues you've encountered is to send us a screenshot of Tidepool Uploader that includes the error message. If this doesn't help, we may ask you to pull some special logs from Tidepool Uploader as described below.
Table of Contents
- Sending a screenshot to Tidepool Support
- Send Console logs (if asked by Tidepool Support)
Sending Tidepool Support a screenshot with the error log text
1. Attempt your diabetes device upload
Using Tidepool Uploader, attempt to upload your diabetes device as you would normally. If you see an error message, please capture a screenshot, and send this to support@tidepool.org.
2. Capturing a screenshot
On Windows computers:
Use your mouse to draw a rectangle to specify what to capture. Windows then copies it to the clipboard. It is helpful to include the entire Tidepool Uploader screen in your capture as this tells us about the device attempting to be uploaded and the name of the user signed into Uploader when the error occurred.
Now in your email to support@tidepool.org press the Control and V keys to paste the image you took a screenshot of.
The screenshot should look something like this -
Tidepool Support needs the Rollbar UUID numbers. If you are able, please copy this text and paste it into your email. It is helpful and allows us to look at the exact error you are seeing on your end.
Copying and pasting the error text also works if you can't take a screenshot. That text would look like this
Upload Failed: Your device doesn't appear to be connected.
You can try using another USB cable, as some USB cables are designed to carry a signal for power only.
Rollbar UUID: 317835c2-faf2-446d-c03d-114520d851f6
On Mac Computers:
You will see a crosshair icon that allows you to capture a region of your screen.
Use your mouse to draw a rectangle to specify what to capture. Click and draw the rectangle and release to take the screenshot.
It is helpful to include the entire Tidepool Uploader screen in your capture as this tells us about the device attempting to be uploaded and the name of the user signed into Uploader when the error occurred.
macOS will put the screenshot on your Desktop. You will see a new icon appear soon after the screenshot is taken. Drag and drop this into your email to support@tidepool.org or in a reply to an email in a conversation you're already having with Tidepool Support.
Tidepool Support needs the Rollbar UUID numbers. If you are able, please copy this text and paste it into your email. It is helpful and allows us to look at the exact error you are seeing on your end.
Copying and pasting the error text also works if you can't take a screenshot. That text would look like this
Upload Failed: Your device doesn't appear to be connected.
You can try using another USB cable, as some USB cables are designed to carry a signal for power only.
Rollbar UUID: 317835c2-faf2-446d-c03d-114520d851f6
Pulling Tidepool Uploader Console Logs
When asked by Tidepool Support for special logs, follow these instructions.
1. Open the Tidepool Uploader
2. Open the Developer Tools
From the Menu, select "View — Toggle Developer Tools".
The Developer Tools will likely dock itself inside of Tidepool Uploader, making it hard to use Tidepool Uploader. To separate the developer tools into its own window, do the following:
- Click on the ⋮ (vertical ellipsis) icon and then click on the stacked square icon as shown in this animation.
Leave the two windows open while you try to upload via the Uploader with the device that is failing.
3. Use the Tidepool Uploader
Try to upload your device — just like you were doing before the error message or problem with Tidepool Uploader occurred. This time when you receive an error message:
- Click on (1) Console in the Developer Tools window (if not already selected)
- Right click in the Developer Tools window and (2) left click "Save as..."
- Use the Save dialog box to save the log file somewhere you can easily access it on your computer (Desktop or Downloads is a good choice).
- Attach a copy of the log file in your email to support@tidepool.org so we can troubleshoot what is going on with Tidepool Uploader.
Please reach out to support@tidepool.org if you have any questions or feedback on this article.