This article assumes you have:
- A Tidepool Web account - Sign up for free at
- Uploaded data from an insulin pump - Supported devices
1. Accessing the Device Settings page
From a Tidepool Web account you will see a link for Device Settings towards the far right. Click this link to navigate to the Device Settings view.
2. Understanding the Device Settings page
The Device Settings page shows information from the most recently uploaded insulin pump's settings. This information is updated every time you upload the device, so please note that it only shows your current device settings.
3. Sections
Basal Rates
- In this section, you will see the various Basal profiles configured on the insulin pump. They will have the same name as they have on the insulin pump as some devices are able to name the profiles, and some are not. Each profile will contain information about the scheduled duration for each rate of insulin delivery and the total amount of insulin delivered for a 24-hour period.
Target BG
- This section shows the target blood glucose value the pump's bolus calculations use, expressed in mg/dL or mmol/L, depending on what is set on the Tidepool Web account.
Carb Ratio (IC, Insulin to Carb)
- This section shows the various scheduled Insulin to Carb ratios throughout the day. If there is only one value, then this ratio is applied for the entire day.
- If instead of using grams, exchanges are used, this is will be expressed as U/exch
Correction factor (ISF, Correction)
- This section shows the sensitivity for corrective boluses and how that factor changes throughout the day.
Pump Settings
- When provided by the insulin pump, Tidepool Web displays the Max Basal rate, Max Bolus, and the Insulin Duration set on the pump.
- When provided by the insulin pump, Tidepool Web displays the Max Basal rate, Max Bolus, and the Insulin Duration set on the pump.
Please let us know via if you have any questions!